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Common Myths About Testosterone Replacement Therapy

myths of testosterone treatment

We’re breaking down the most common myths associated with Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Take a look below!


Myth Testosterone treatment is only for middle-aged men.


This is not true! Testosterone treatment helps men from their twenties to well into their 60s and beyond. Around the age of 30, a male’s testosterone levels naturally begin to decrease, and they may begin to experience some symptoms of low testosterone. In addition, the misconception that men after a certain age cannot benefit from TRT is not true! Men of most ages can benefit from hormone replacement therapy and begin to feel and look better!


Myth Testosterone replacement therapy is only for men with erectile dysfunction.


When people hear the words “Low T” or “Low Testosterone,” many assume it only is when men are having trouble getting erections. This is untrue! The symptoms of low testosterone present themselves in a variety of ways. The number one symptom our patients experience is actually fatigue, along with weight gain and brain fog. While some men experience trouble with erections, this is actually a smaller majority. Once their hormones become regulated, our patients begin to feel as energized as they once did in their 20s! 


Myth Testosterone replacement therapy increases sperm count.


This is false. Testosterone replacement therapy can actually decrease sperm count. When working with our patients, we always work with them to design the best care plan for their lives. If men are still at an age where they would like to continue to have children, we create a program that will help regulate their hormones without the use of testosterone. Most commonly, this is done through a program utilizing HCG. 


Myth Testosterone levels decrease naturally, so I shouldn’t do anything to treat it.


WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! Just because many times a man’s hormone levels decline with aging, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it! While around 30, these levels begin to decrease, it’s important to monitor them to avoid any long-term health issues that are more likely to occur with low testosterone levels. For example, men with low testosterone are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes. It’s important to get your levels checked and keep your health a priority!


Whether your symptoms have begun to impair your quality of life or not, we always recommend that you pursue some type of treatment plan. Ignoring low testosterone can lead to more serious conditions over time such as a weakening of bone and muscle mass.


At Advanced Anti-Aging, we offer a comprehensive treatment plan for men who are ready to feel their best once again! Through monthly testosterone replacement therapy programs and guidance on diet and exercise, your experience at Advanced is highly personalized just for you. Contact us today if you are ready to feel just as good as you did in your twenties!