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New Year, New Mindset, New Hormone Levels

Can you believe it? We’re already at the end of 2021 and have our eyes set on 2022. The end of a year symbolizes many things. A time to reflect on the year, a time to plan for a fresh start, and often, it’s a time to plan for making those healthy changes bright and early in the new year. At Advanced Anti-Aging, we’re dedicated to great health all year long, but for 2022, we have some ideas for making it your healthiest year yet.


Once it’s the end of a long year, oftentimes people are feeling worn out and tired. Sure, the hustle and bustle of the holidays and parties can be exhausting, but what if it’s more than that? If you’re feeling like you’re overly exhausted or just feeling like garbage most days, but seem to be doing ‘everything else right,’ consider getting your hormones checked. Low testosterone and other hormone imbalances can cause brain fog, interrupted sleep, low libido, anxiety or depression, chronic fatigue, belly fat and much more. We know hectic schedules don’t make it any easy to put your health first. This is why we recommend making some easy changes to see big differences! Don’t end your year on a low note, it’s time to get your hormone levels tested to see if there’s a deeper issue for how you’re feeling. Start 2022 on a high note with balanced hormones and feeling great


Many New Year goals include a simple diet and exercise routine, but it may fizzle out. Don’t just use the New Year as a few weeks for eating healthy and working out a few times. Make a plan for the first full month and create goals for each subsequent month after that. Hold yourself accountable and add in weekly weigh-ins and weekend meal preps to make sure you’re staying on track. But what if you’re doing all of this and still struggling to lose weight and just generally still don’t feel great? This is the number one complaint among our patients with a hormone imbalance or low testosterone. 


After a comprehensive blood test and creating a program just for you, we recommend adding regular exercise and healthy meals into the routine along with hormone replacement therapy. This helps patients see and feel results faster. Hormone replacement is not a magic relief for weight loss, but when done correctly with healthy habits, you will feel like you did in your 20s in a few short weeks! Talk about a new spring in your step for the New Year!


Often, New Year’s resolutions begin with one simple goal….to see results! It’s important that you put your health first and get yourself back on track quickly. At Advanced Anti-Aging, we will conduct an in-depth blood test to review hormone levels among other things to see the inner workings of your body and create a plan that will work best for you to see and feel the results fast. Whether you’re struggling to lose weight, are chronically tired or aren’t performing like you once were in the bedroom, hormone replacement therapy may be the missing piece of your wellness puzzle.


Having imbalanced hormones or low testosterone is nothing to be ashamed of. Unfortunately there’s a stigma attached to low testosterone levels. Many people believe in order to have low t, you have to have a low libido or erectile dysfunction. While yes, some men experience both of those things, most frequently, the number one symptom among men with low testosterone is actually extreme fatigue. Many times, hormone imbalances can not only impact you, but also your significant other. Give our office a call today at 973-998-7770 or email us at to get started.