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How Low Testosterone Impacts Women

How Low Testosterone Impacts Women


When people think of testosterone, they typically associate it as a hormone that is only produced in men. However, it is also a necessary hormone for women. Testosterone is an essential part of important functions, such as bone growth and strength, ovarian health, energy levels, and libido. Listen up ladies and gentlemen, because this is important!


Just like men, women go through hormonal changes around the age of 40.  Believe it or not, both women and men often experience a change in testosterone levels around that time. When women experience levels of testosterone that have gotten too low, also known as “low testosterone” or “low T”, they too can experience a myriad of symptoms, just like men! Because these symptoms can be subtle and mirror other conditions, low T has often been misdiagnosed for many women in the past. This is why it is important to rule out other possible conditions such as anemia, depression, stress, and menopause. Fortunately, low testosterone can and should be confirmed with blood work. 


Men and women often experience some of the same symptoms when they have low testosterone, which may include: 

  • lethargy

  • muscle weakness

  • mood swings

  • low libido

  • depressed mood 

The most commonly reported symptoms affecting women with low T are low libido, weight gain and mood swings. These symptoms are common to imbalanced hormones, and also peri-menopause or menopause. Additionally, testosterone levels can also affect fertility, red blood cell production, and fat distribution. These all are contributing factors to the symptoms low t can produce, which is why it’s important that it gets addressed!


Any one of the previously mentioned symptoms can affect your daily life. All too often women experiencing these symptoms just assume that it’s a normal part of life because they are around the age when menopause may begin or they are busy chasing after their children – this is unnecessary!

If you or your significant other are experiencing symptoms similar to the ones we’ve discussed, you may have low T. At Advanced Anti-Aging, we will work closely with you to create a program that is appropriate for you using testosterone replacement therapy through creams or injections. We believe you should always feel your best and look your best too! Age is just a number!

Contact Lisa to get your free initial consultation scheduled today by calling 973-998-7770 or emailing