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Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Actually Work?

When someone hears the words testosterone therapy, most of the time big muscles and bodybuilding comes to mind. But there’s so much more to testosterone supplementation than meets the eye. As men and women age, hormone levels change, becoming depleted or imbalanced which can lead to a variety of symptoms. Weight gain, loss of muscle mass, extreme fatigue, brain fog, low libido – just to name a few. Does any of this sound familiar? Getting older doesn’t mean you have to feel older. That’s why we’re spilling the tea about testosterone replacement therapy.

Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Actually Work?

YES! When done correctly under close supervision of a medical professional, hormone replacement therapy helps alleviate symptoms of low t or imbalanced hormones. Each person’s body composition is unique; therefore their treatment plan is customized to them with their goals in mind. Some individuals benefit from just testosterone replacement, through injections or creams, whereas others may have more success with gonadorelin. Gonadorelin is a medicine that stimulates the gonadotropin-releasing hormone for men and women, responsible for ovulation in women and maintaining testicular size and function in men.


After approximately two weeks, individuals on a hormone supplementation program will start to feel the positive changes in their body. Typically, the first two symptoms that begin to fade are brain fog and fatigue. During the beginning stages of a program, energy levels are beginning to rise and patients start to experience better mental clarity. Now that their head is ‘back in the game,’ the fun visible changes are soon to follow.


When hormones are imbalanced, it makes it very difficult to lose weight and gain muscle. Within the first month or so, patients should start to have an easier time losing weight. Not only will they start shedding the pounds, but with an increased level of energy, hitting the gym will help double down on the positive changes behind the scenes, allowing you to see results faster. But all this great stuff doesn’t happen overnight. First, you’ll have to have a comprehensive evaluation and full panel of blood work before starting a program.


An extensive blood panel is extremely important for many reasons. At our practice, we prefer an in-depth blood work panel. These orders allow us to see the inner architecture of your body and how it functions. A few important tests include hemoglobin and hematocrit, which allows us to see blood thickness, which is very important for the long-term success and safety of TRT. Estrogen is another key hormone we need to monitor on a TRT program to ensure those levels don’t get too high. Additionally, we evaluate DHT levels which help us see if the patient is at a higher risk for balding. But one of the most important levels to check is BPH. This helps us check prostate health to ensure TRT is safe to use for the particular individual.


So, why do our doctors need to have all this information before prescribing your testosterone? Low T can be caused by so many factors, so this comprehensive groundwork is critical for ensuring an individual is eligible. Throughout a program, our doctors monitor these levels throughout a TRT program to ensure the best results for the patient. Typically, every 3-6 months while on a program, our patients go for blood work so we can review and see how the patient is feeling. Test results and an open dialogue with your physician is the key to success with any hormone replacement program.


Hormone replacement may or may not be temporary. Once your body needs supplementation or regulation, it’s a commitment to your future wellbeing. Sure, some people take it for a few months, but soon after they realize it’s not a fad, but really is a permanent lifestyle change for promoting better health and wellness.


Ready to schedule an appointment or have some questions? Call Lisa at 973-998-7770 to get started. We offer special pricing for law enforcement professionals in New Jersey.